Saturday, December 29, 2007

Something happened in the Knoxville, Tenn. Hooters today

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. - A customer who was upset over his tab fired several shots into a Hooters restaurant Saturday, killing one person and seriously wounding a manager, police said.

Police were searching for the man, who left on foot just after midnight, Lt. Kenny Miller said.

Managers asked the man to leave after he refused to pay his bill. He then went outside and started firing a .40-caliber handgun at the building, police said.

The shots hit another customer identified as 35-year-old Stacey Sherman of Applegate, Mich. Sherman, who police believed was visiting family for the holidays, died later at a hospital.

The other victim, a 24-year-old Hooters manager named Kris Key, was hospitalized in serious condition.

No further comment.

Except--to say that the more news items I read about the place* the more grateful I am I made it out of there without getting a bullet in the brain.

*And this seems like a good time to tell you that I don't go looking for them, honestly, they just find me!

Not in Nottingham

As I've written before, the songs and vocal performances are the greatest things about Disney's Robin Hood, and this song is the best as they appear in the movie.

("Whistle Stop" is a close second, but that's been co-opted into the "Hamster Dance Song")

Friday, December 28, 2007

J'aime vos boobs. Je pense qu'ils sont très amicaux et sans prétention

The Science Of Ben.

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Just around the corner from beauty

Francesca Woodman
Self Portrait with Lily, Rome

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Kylie Variations

This is one of those images that I think I like not just because it's of a hot woman but for other reasons as well. There's something fascinating to me about her eyes in it.

I know nothing about the circumstances under which it was taken, but it makes me think of an early morning after one of her performances. Still dressed from the show, she steps out onto the balcony and a friend takes her picture just as the sun rises over the horizon.

Though now that I look again at the light, I wonder if maybe the opposite is true-she's dressed for a show she's about to go to, and that sun is coming down.

Oh, and make up your own "Kylie makes my favorite color X" joke here.

To tell you the truth, this costume doesn't really do much for me

There's nothing wrong with it per se, it just doesn't happen to ring my particular bell. The way, say, red hair or voluptuous lips or Phoebe Cates in the red bikini or leopard-print do.

However, this catalog listing... for the exact same costume...gets me so hot.
Satin & spandex dress with petticoat & ostrich boa trim. Stockings, shoes and tiara not included.

Or perhaps I've divulged too much.


Residents of Minneapolis and Seattle are the most bookish and well-read, according to results from a new survey released today of the most literate American cities.

The survey focused on 69 U.S. cities with populations of 250,000 or above. Jack Miller of Central Connecticut State University chose six key indicators to rank literacy. These included newspaper circulation, number of bookstores, library resources, periodical publishing resources, educational attainment and Internet resources.

Cough, cough.

Then we are decided?

I like the rock musical Jesus Christ Superstar. Whatever faith I have is derived from it (and Godspell) at least as much as the bible or any church. No, more.

This is the great priests' song, "Then We Are Decided." Since leaving Rice, ALW has only rarely had lyrics anywhere near this good.

Let's hear it for the old home town girl

This is a model named Josie Moran, about whom I knew little or nothing before I came across this picture. I learn from this web site she was born in Menlo Park, California, which is right near where I grew up.

So I found these pictures of a young woman dressed up; looking awesome

...and "riffing," as she puts it, on one of those movies from which anyone my age can quote endlessly, Sixteen Candles.

I was searching for images to use for last night's Pharmaceutical Diaries entry.

Oh. My. God.

The photographer/subject's Flickr-name is chicfreaksali.

She lists among her
"favorite movies & stars" Raiders of the Lost Ark, Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (the original), Fast Times At Ridgemont High, Sixteen Candles, Breakfast Club...what can I say? I grew up in the 80s!!), Jaws, Meatballs, Jeremy Piven, and Hugh Laurie.

(BTW, she's taken. I'm not saying I was interested...but you will notice I checked.)

Oh...and here's the punchline...

All these photos were uploaded on my 36th birthday.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christina Ricci

...for me, one of the poster children for how distressing the movie industry's emphasis on "thinness" is.

She used to be so nice-looking...10 years ago (give or take), before she had the "baby fat" beaten off her by a business that thinks Kate Winslet is somehow too heavy.

I loved her.

Random Flickr Blogging: 4562

"The sisters at Mercy sure would be surprised to see us now," Carol said, "we're drunk, we've been out all night, and yet somehow, I still feel innocent." "Yeah, me too." "Me too." "I wonder what we can do next, Josephine." "Oh, don't worry girls...I'll think of something. Mwa ha...mwa ha ha...mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

"Which two of these girls will someday be porn stars? Which one of these girls won't have sex for pay?"

...Coming soon to a TV near you, if this writers strike continues much longer.


Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Special Book 2: With Eliza in her kerchief, And Mariah in her cap,

Two with whom I'd love to just settle down to a good winter's...nap.

And "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," as danced by Kpu Lap.

Guest stars: As the angel I'd most like to have atop my...tree...Miss Courtney Love.

And Teri Polo as The White Queen, with her familiar, a golden swirl named Ortega.

The best Christmas play ever!

Christmas Special Book 1: How steadfast are your branches.

One of my favorite Christmas songs is "The Christmas Waltz," as recorded by Frank Sinatra the second time as a single for Capitol records. Someone screen-named Tatsurou83 has used that recording as a soundtrack to the first three minutes or so of their Christmas home video.

The video's about as great as any home video by someone you don't know. So you might prefer just to collapse the window and listen to the song, which shouldn't necessarily work-it's got a freaking choral group on it. But it's haunting, and in a good way.

I especially love how, as the last chorus fades out, Frank says "Merry Christmas," and he sounds...innocent.

Here's, via YouTube, a clip from A Cosmic Christmas, a television special that first aired in 1977 in the wake of Star Wars' success. I think it's almost wholly forgotten now (last time I checked it wasn't in print on video), and if so I'm sorry about that. The story is great-and a little more meaningful than some others in its characterization, too.

In short synopsis, it might sound like your typical artificially sweetened Christmas special. "Three aliens land on earth and learn the meaning of Christmas." In execution it's something else again.

The animation has a freshness to it which, in my opinion, has not diminished in the 30 years since it first aired. The special was produced by Nelvana Limited, a Canadian company. That clip is just over two minutes, if you like it, Google Video has the whole thing, about 23 minutes.

Here's a very special minute from The Muppets Family Christmas, which united characters from Fraggle Rock, Sesame Street, The Muppet Show, and so on.

Earlier in the special, there was a joke which I haven't been able to get out of my head for 20 years. As I remember, it went a little something like this. Fozzie has met a singing, joke telling snowman and tells Kermit,

"Hey Kermit, I got a great new partner for my act!"
"Really? Who's your new partner?"
"A snowman."
"The heck you say."

Aw, good ole' Kermit. Good ole' all of them.

This clip is from the end of the show.

Or, my dream girl

Perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility.

This is why Madonna's in the Hall-Of-Fame

Because while traitors like Alyson Hannigan see fit to dye their lovely red hair black...Probably some sort of "red-state bashing" thing...

...our ever-lovin' lady Madonna, on the other hand...

BTW, this picture only makes me want Madonna to give That is the only desire it arouses in me.

Sing if you're glad to be gay.

From the 1979 Secret Policeman's Ball, Tom Robinson. Great performance, I've long thought.

you have to admire james cameron...don't you think?

Allegedly, the photo at right is
from James Cameron’s upcoming $190+ million super-epic 3D performance-capture/live action/animation hybrid Avatar.
I found it via Peter Sciretta, who also writes,
To me it looks like a combination of Angelina Jolie as Grendal’s mother (from Beowulf), and the cult classic Disney film TRON.
I think it looks more like it's out of "Heavy Metal"

All their taste is in their mouth.

What kind of lips do you have? *PICS!*

Voluptuous Lips

Voluptuous Lips

Your lips are Voluptuous. Everytime a guy looks at you all they see is your beautiful lips! Your very senstive and know how to make anyone feel happy.

How appropriate

Which Greek god/goddess are you?
You are Demeter! Demter was the Goddess of Agriculture,Her daughter was taken by Hades, the God of the Underworld,to become Queen of the Underworld.She was devestated and the world went into a state of perpetual Winter.She bargained with Hades that she could see her daughter half of every year, the Spring and Summer, which bloomed with flowers and returned to it's regular state while Fall and Winter stayed barren.

I guess she's hot and buff and all that, but I really prefer the old version of "It's My Life"

which celebrity do you look like? (girls only-pics)
Gwen Stefani
Gwen Stefani
you resemble gwen stefani!!! you are unique and original. you can be quiet at times and loud at times. The beauty of gwen stafani can also be seen in you!

There's only one way to deal with a mad britney...

Which Britney Spears Are you?
Mad britney
Mad britney
You should for sure loosen up you act so mad but your so pretty!

Pick up on this!

Which Playboy Bunny Are You?
Bridget  Marquardt
Bridget Marquardt
You are Birdget Marguardt! Your are a free sprite most of the time.You love to hang out with your pets and family. You do what you want and is always determend to get what you want.You are a very accomplished women and set high standers for yourself.You stand out with the differn't things you wear -and always love to get a good scare!

I can't decide if this is funnier than it's sad, but this quiz is riddled with illiteracies. However, get me, I'm Hugh Hefner's girlfriend!...Good figure, I mean, go figure...

Dear lord...

This is Phoebe Cates in 1982.

...the woman does not age!

This is Phoebe Cates in March of this year.