Saturday, August 09, 2008

Everyone has a favorite Brillstein story...I never even knew the man, and I have favorite Brillstein stories.

I was sorry to read today that Hollywood agent and manager Bernie Brillstein died at the age of 77.

During the mid-to-late '70s, the '80s, and into the '90s, Brillstein's clients would produce some of my favorite television and films; more than likely yours, too: NewsRadio, The Blues Brothers, Ghostbusters, The Celluloid Closet, and The Muppet Show and movies, just to name a few.

He was credited as producer or executive producer on many of these, but I think that was mostly a reward for delivering his clients. That's not meant pejoratively, his job was to "produce" those clients and keep them happy, something that by most accounts he did very well.

This column says,

Everyone has a favorite Brillstein story.

And that's right. You see, although not an actor or screenwriter himself, Brillstein was a supporting character in the lives of so many performers that I like and have read about; that's how I collected the stories.

Here are two of the best.

Brillstein managed John Belushi, for example, a job he got this way:

As Brillstein told the story, the night of the very first episode of Saturday Night Live, Belushi was still dragging his feet about signing his contract. This was a matter of some urgency because without the contract, he could not be allowed on the air.

Finally Belushi, after complaining loudly for several long, agonizing minutes, said he'd sign only if Brillstein (who already managed Lorne Michaels), agreed to become his manager. Brillstein, more out of exasperation and the need to get-this-done, did so agree.

Only later did he realize Belushi had just "crazed" himself into a deal with the boss's manager.

He would also come to represent, among others on SNL, Dan Aykroyd and Chevy Chase.

(Chase left Brillstein's "stable" when he left the show, and look what happened to him.)

Another story Brillstein told was of the day that a young man with long hair and a beard (which were fashionable at the time) came to see him, seeking representation. The man had already begun to make some headway in TV, but sought Bernie's help in getting more exposure for his act.

Brillstein was iffy, and only more so when the man started taking oddly-cut pieces of felt out of a box that he'd brought with him, and having conversations with them. The young agent was looking for a graceful excuse to get this nut out of his office when the phone rang and he seized it gratefully.

It was Brillstein's superior, calling him to let him know he'd seen a wonderful new puppeteer on television the night before. He wanted to know if Brillstein could investigate the possibility of representing this fine young man.

Brillstein was glad to be able to tell his boss that this Jim Henson fellow was sitting directly across from him even as they spoke.

So, Bernie...I know it's probably more a comforting thought than reality, but I would like to think John, Jim (and Gilda Radner!) are singing, performing, and otherwise clowning for you now. RIP.

Classic movie meme, or, how could he knock Amadeus?

(I got this here)

Ok, this time I'm tagging people. Jason (if you have time and feel like it...and since your blog is on hold for the duration, feel free to use the comments here), PJ, Becca...this one's for you. It's the
Classic movie meme

Get the American Film Institute's 100 Years... 100 Movies list and answer the following questions:

1) Your favorite 5 movies that are on the list:

* Some Like It Hot
* Star Wars
* Psycho
* The Best Years of Our Lives
* North by Northwest

2) 5 movies on the list that you didn't like at all:

* M*A*S*H
* Amadeus

I could only come up with two, and I'm stretching the point to include even those. In the case of M*A*S*H it's just a fact, unfortunate or otherwise, that I saw it only after having fallen in love with the TV version.

Amadeus I probably haven't seen in 25 years, but I remember it as being remarkably dull (it's entirely possible that I was too young for it).

3) 5 movies on the list you haven't seen but want to:

* Citizen Kane
* Casablanca
* Lawrence of Arabia
* The Third Man
* Stagecoach

4) 5 movies on the list that you haven't seen and have no interest in seeing:

* The Searchers
* The Jazz Singer
* The Wild Bunch
* Forrest Gump
* A Streetcar Named Desire

5) Your favorite 5 movies that aren't on the list:

* The Usual Suspects
* The Lord of the Rings (all three)
* Monty Python and the Holy Grail
* Requiem for a Dream
* Aliens

And maybe WALL•E, I want to give it a year or two (and see it a few more times) to see if it stands the test of time.

Actually, these are all good songs, I don't care what anybody says

Guilty Pleasures: Random Confessions Of The ’80s Man

Cause there's a meme goin' around...Okay. I’m going to list some nominations, and I’ll let the people decide which I should be most ashamed of…

Music, or embarrassing records that I actually, secretly don’t want to smash:

(with YouTube clips and other illustrations)

After Eight”, by Taco. Used to have this on cassette but somehow lost it, though it’s probably somewhere in this apartment. I pretty much love the version of “Singing In The Rain” full stop.

I was playing the vinyl version of this album at work once though, and the record skipped during “Puttin’ On The Ritz”.

Unfortunately it was during the percussion break so I didn’t notice for like 20 minutes.

Actually, what makes this album work is the fact that most of the songs are so classic (”I Should Care”) that even the cheesiest of synths can’t hurt them.

“Too Shy The Singles And More”, by Kajagoogoo and Lihmal. There’s scarcely a track on here that doesn’t have something wrong with it. A stupid lyric, a bad keyboard part, or some combination. Only possible exceptions: “Neverending Story” and the “Hang On Now” extended mix.

Which, oddly enough, you can hear over this slideshow of images of Mena Suvari.

No, I don't know what the connection is either, but I like this mix and Suvari is beautiful...

Also see: This Time-The 1st 4 Years, by Culture Club. Unlike most Culture Club retrospectives, this one includes “War Song,” a catchy-but-stupid (or vice versa) attempt to get a slice of the “Two Tribes” pie. CC would rather forget this song existed; not so fast, says I.

Def Leppard's Hysteria. I have a whole theory worked out to explain this one; it revolves around the idea that Def Leppard is actually a techno pop band (remember, "techno" doesn't always mean "synth.")

“Straight Up”, by Paula Abdul. Oh-oh-oh. A brilliant record of a stupid song. I've asked the remarkably psychotic (but still slightly-more-dimensional than Abdul) Harley Quinn to give us her interpretation of this number. Harley?

The stretch for the rhyme of “Are you more than hot for me, or am I a page in your history…book?” is the most endearingly awkward lyric since…

“Wishing (If I Had A Photograph Of You) by Flock Of Seagulls. The only hit by this very definition of a “haircut band” that I’ve got much time for.

Kylie Minogue. “I should be so lucky, lucky, lucky lucky.” Need I say more? Just look at her, she's glorious.

Also for the fact that if I’d have offered to bet you $150 in 1988 that 20 years later Kylie would not only still be considered a sex symbol…

(I mean, you may think you’ve got your manners going on, but were you voted the woman men would most like to have phone sex with?)

(Ok, so I made up the "sex" part of that...but I think it's implied.)

…but would also still be having hits, any one of you would have covered my money. Including Kylie herself, most likely. Face it, she's indestructible. No wonder her doll hangs out with Wonder Woman's doll.

Bros. I still have no idea how to pronounce this. Bros feature heavily in “Literally” (A book about Pet Shop Boys) so when I found their album cheap I picked it up on curiosity alone.

It’s almost touching how badly they seem to want to be PSB, especially on “When Will I Be Famous”. I like that track, and two or three of the others are good as well, but it’s not like you can’t tell why they were a 2 or three hit wonder (Probably generous).

Trivia: former Bros singer Luke Goss played the elf prince Nuada in Hellboy II.

Toto's "Africa."

Jan Hammer Miami Vice Theme. You know you'll never forget it.

I Want Candy -- Bow Wow Wow. Forever for me associated with the Private School movie shower scene, in which it plays throughout.

Double your pleasure, double your guilt...

And, of course,

I'd tag George, but he's already done it...

Connecting images by the slimmest of threads

1. I just know there's a metaphor here for the republican and Democratic parties.

You guess which is which (and of course, click to enlarge)

2. This is Virginia Madsen, who AFAIK is not a metaphor for either party. It's just that I've had a crush on her since 1985.

I believe faithfully that if we've been good, when we die we get to take a never-ending hot shower with a 21 year-old Madsen.

You make your heaven, and I'll make mine...

I think I'm going to pass out.

(If you don't know who that is, refer to "Seven happiness," below)

You know what I was saying about how Elizabeth Edwards impresses the hell out of me?

Here, she shows why.

I mean this to be my last post on the matter, because:
I ask that the public, who expressed concern about the harm John’s conduct has done to us, think also about the real harm that the present voyeurism does and give me and my family the privacy we need at this time.


Ok, the John Edwards thing

I'm disappointed and saddened, obviously, because as you know I've liked Edwards a lot in the past--even saw him at one time as kind of a hero. But I also think his wife is terrific and am mildly obsessed with his daughter Cate, so I'm really sorry he's put them in this unpleasant situation.

To me, this still wouldn't make him a bad candidate, however, I understand that the climate being what it is...well, who needs the drama? Other than that, I want to say a couple of things building on what Steve Benen said already:

For what it’s worth, Elizabeth Edwards apparently became aware of the relationship in 2006, and the affair went on while her cancer was in remission.

in the future, this will only encourage media outlets to be more aggressive in looking into candidates’ personal lives, which is really a shame.

To me these are not insignifigant--we're talking about an extramarital relationship which had been concluded, of which the spouse was aware; had apparently chosen to forgive. And continue in the marriage.

And our tabloid-driven media dug it up because...why? Is anyone's life better off because the world now knows John Edwards had an affair?

I'd just add a nod that:

before Republicans pounce on this with too much glee, if, in the wake of Edwards’ confession, presidential-candidate adultery all of a sudden becomes an important campaign issue, let’s not forget that this is one subject John McCain and his supporters really don’t want to talk about.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Then I saw...

So you know how it is...I'm searching images for my other blog and come across something that doesn't seem to fit there tonight but which strikes me somehow, and so I decide to come up with a funny comment, click over here and post it.

I was gonna go with the headline All right have my attention.

Then I saw that this turns out to be a frame from David Lynch's Inland Empire. I haven't seen the film--as a rule, I really wish Lynch wouldn't write the films he directs. But I'm not saying it's good or bad.

What I am saying, in retrospect, is that I should've guessed this was from a Lynch film immediately. It's got his brand of woman-demeaning written all over it.

Droops, Rabbits and Rags

Leonard Maltin writes,

[Richard Williams] has two Oscars to his credit, and is renowned for directing the animation in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, but his magnum opus, The Thief and the Cobbler, on which he lavished years of effort and much of his own money, has never been seen in the form that he intended. Many animation fans hope that some day it will be restored.

Trivia: Williams also performed the voice of Droopy in the deadpan mutt's cameo in Who Framed.

His other work includes what I think is the finest version of the "Pink Panther" opening titles, from The Return of the Pink Panther in 1975:

(should be watched full-screen, if possible)

And Williams directed the Raggedy Ann & Andy movie of the '70s, which I don't think I've seen since I was little but remember as being good. Here's a scene (reportedly animated almost entirely by Williams) to see if I'm right.

Anyway I bring all this up because I want to pass along what Maltin passed along, which is a 10-minute promo for Williams' new Animator’s Survival Kit Animated DVD set.

If I was an animator (or really any kind of a visual artist), I would steal, beg, or borrow money to take a class from Williams, or see these videos. But even as someone who's just a fan of the art, there's a lot here that'll make you smile and laugh.

Eight happiness

Gilmore Girls. Fast-talking, sharp-witted babes. How far can you go wrong? (The answer: When the show's creator and chief writer leaves before the last season, pretty far, unfortunately). But when it was good...

Lauren Graham
Originally uploaded by JANiE webzine

Alexis Bledel.

And of course it's where I found Liza Weil, Mon Annabel préféré.

Seven happiness

Cutest picture ever.

(If you don't know, that's Kristen Bell of the much-missed Veronica Mars)

Is it wrong that the first time I saw this, I saw...

City Nurse
Courtney Love
? it wrong that I totally want to see Courtney Love in a loose-fitting 1950's nurse's outfit?

...Yeah, well, no one's making you come to this blog, now are they?

That's strange...I feel a cheap shot coming on...

Rare shot of them together again.

...not the "Sex and the City" girls, their legs...

(excuse me)

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

A message to my fellow Democrats:

Steve Benen has a post here about how despite what the "liberal" media would like you to believe, Obama is actually ahead of McCain in the polls by a pretty fair amount.

Yesterday, Lifetime Networks released a national poll of women and their presidential preferences. Time’s Mark Halperin said Barack Obama “edged out” McCain in the poll. Obama’s lead? 11 points.

According to Chris Matthews, when McCain holds a six-point lead with a given demographic, it’s significant. When Obama holds a six-point lead, it’s “almost … negligible.”

I think they do it mostly just so they'll have something to talk to each other about, the poor things. But seriously: In this sense, at least, Obama is Reagan; McCain is Carter.

And it's 1980.

Relax, it's not even gonna be close...

Earthly Pleasures

Dunno if this book is any good, but I'm digging' on the cover.

Angels black and white and other

I can't decide--is this lovely, or a little too "Mrs. Ronald McDonald?" What say you?

Note to self: You need to see more of Shiri Appleby.

Ok, the Suskind book thing

As you may or may not have heard, depending upon how much attention you're paying (and again, I totally understand if you're not paying much): Ron Suskind, author of The One Percent Doctrine, has a new book out.

Which reportedly contains yet more revelations that Bush, Cheney and their bitches are, to coin a phrase...Crooks and Liars.

there is very little left to which people like Nancy Pelosi can hold on to claim that there is no proof of criminal wrongdoing

the Crooks & Liars entry linked (and quoted) above also quotes John Dean from an interview on Olberman's Countdown yesterday.

OLBERMANN: The devil‘s advocate question in this one, John, is-the Bush administration ends in six months, presumably-why is simply, you know, getting the shovel, the historical shovel out and covering this up with as much clean and sanctified dirt as we can not enough? Why is forgetting this man and his presidency not enough?

DEAN: Keith, I think it‘s more than a devil‘s advocate question. It really is the central question in the 2008 campaign. If we have another Republican administration, we‘re going to see more of the same that this sort of material that‘s revealed by Suskind.

I haven't said much about this here, mostly because I haven't felt like it. I haven't felt like it because, for me, the evidence was in years ago. It was so plainly obvious that in a nation with any moral fortitude whatsoever they would've been driven from office at the very least. And in a truly morally centered universe, jailed.

So obvious that I'm just tired of putting on my little show of indignation each time new atrocities come to light--you know "can we impeach them noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow?" and so on.

Because it's also become apparent that Pelosi, for reasons passing understanding, will not listen to the people on this. And that is, quite simply, why congress isn't that much more popular than Bush and Cheney right now (they may even be less, for I don't have current numbers in front of me).

But I'm bringing this up now because, I guess, hope springs eternal. Bush and Cheney need to be put down like the rabid, frothing-at-the-mouth dogs they are.

(By the way, should any of the smart and lovely men or women of the Federal Bureau of Investigation be looking in, in the previous sentence I'm using "put down like the rabid, etc" as a metaphor for impeachment. I am absolutely not calling for a violent overthrow of the United States government. I wouldn't call for that sort of thing to deal with Bush & Cheney.)

(Well, maybe I'd call for them to be whacked on their noses with rolled-up newspapers--but that's as far as I'd go.)

(I'm a dove, you know)

My baby told me once, My baby told me twice, My baby told me three times; Three times nice: Please, Please, Please Let's make some...magic

Never let it be said that we here at a dragon dancing with the Buddha were afraid of a little equal time. In recent days, we've run one or two ads in support of Obama; therefore, it's only right that I also run this ad for his opponent, Senator John McCain.

Especially when he comes up with one as good as this.


Don't cross the streams, Senator...

Six happiness

Doctor Who.

Some of this is nostalgia--I got into Who around age 11, which is the age to do it. With Tom Baker who, for all his later excesses, when he was good was so damn wonderful.

But there's something that makes the show continue to shine for bright youngsters of any age--even the ones who never grew up. In many ways it's a series that defies all the "rules," even my own.

That's why there has never been a Doctor that hasn't had at least one good story--even the ones ill-served by their script editor (Colin Baker) or an exhausted funds-cut production team (Sylvester McCoy).

...well, there never has been if you don't count Paul McGann. Which I don't, frankly.

...and unfortunately, you can't say there hasn't been a season without at least one good story. Because if you say that, then I say "Trial of a Time Lord," and you go away feeling silly. None of us wants that.

DW has fans that should put Trekkies to shame. The difference, to me, is this: With maybe one or two exceptions, Trek fans just waited around for someone to revive their favorite so they could give them their money again.

Doctor Who fans supported our favorite through "the wilderness years." Some of us even became professional writers and television producers so that when the time came for a revival--after one or two false starts--we could do it. And "we" did. "We" took that sucker over.

I put that "we" in quotes because I don't want to seem like I'm taking anything away from writer and producer Russell T. Davies and his team, who did such a fantastic job. Davies was fan enough to know what the fans wanted Doctor Who to be and he couldn't help writing it.

But he was also writer enough to know not to listen to what fans wanted Doctor Who to be. And he wasn't afraid of honest emotion, something only seen sparingly in the series' first 26 years (That's not really a criticism, more an observation).

Like many a Doctor Who fan, Davies had actually thought about the effects the Doctor's companions had on him, and vice-versa. And he moved them from being props--sometimes affecting, sometimes unwieldy, but props nonetheless--to being real.

Especially because a sense of humor stops it being too wet, I'm thinking of the scene this past season when the Doctor thinks Donna is leaving him and gets all soppy...till he realizes she only means to visit with her family and then come back. Perfect.

And I haven't even gotten into the long list of supporting characters--the lovely Captain Jack, for example.

I've said this before, but even if I hadn't loved most of what Davies has done, I'd be so damn happy that he managed to make Doctor Who a show that children are talking about in the schoolyard again.

Happy and a little jealous--where was he when 98% of my elementary school playmates had no idea what I was talking about? (Of course, not being in the UK, it's not like that would've made a huge difference...)

He's managed to keep it new for those for whom it's new, but keep it the series we loved for those of us who already loved it. I feel like making a breathlessly enthusiastic statement, so I will: He's brought the generations together.

Of course, Doctor Who fans have our brain-dead contingent too--the difference there is that we know what to do with ours. We mock them, mercilessly, to within an inch of their lives.

I believe the many years DW spent with (let's not beat around the bush) crappy special effects made for an exceptional level of imagination both on the part of those who made it, and we who watched it.

I've said this before, too, it's easy for those X-Files punks with their state-of-the-art SFX, we had to work for it, you know...

And Doctor Who fans have 30-plus years of content to draw upon, not just televised but all the assorted prose fictions (licensed "New Adventures" and otherwise), cinema films, audios, and so on to come to terms with.

This has forced us, if only for our own sanity, have had to come to the most sensible conclusion possible on the question of what is "canon:" What we like, is. What we don’t isn't.

(I'm aware some fans still twist themselves into pretzels trying to "prove" that their version really-and-truly-is the correct one. That's why I used the phrase, "if only for our own sanity.")

Also, Doctor Who--the new one, especially, but always at its best--is just filled with a wonderful joy of life. It's like a puppy dog pressing its nose against a window at times--and I mean that as a good thing.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

An intervention

Dear John McCain...

Senator, let me talk to you for a minute man to man, or at least, man to whatever it is I am. This goes beyond which party I support and which one you lead. As you know, Senator, in the past, I've liked you.

Maybe I was buying your image. But that liking has taken some serious hits in recent months for many reasons, not the least being that you have shown yourself to be confused at best, deceptive at worst, about many vital issues.

But this isn't about my two cents on the issues of the day, either. It's about you injecting Paris Hilton into the political debate with your ad comparing her brand of celebrity with that enjoyed by your opponent.

With that ad, you have given Paris the chance to appear in this video spoofing it.

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

And I think it's funny, Senator. I laughed out loud. You made me laugh with Paris Hilton and not at her. Now I may have to re-think my whole frame of mind about her being a tired would-be porn performer you would never want to see dressed.

Some things can not be forgiven, Senator.

Five happiness

Being a monthlong series on nice things that I enjoy and make me feel good.

Art & Ghosts:


Monday, August 04, 2008

Who does Barack Obama think he is?

Ok, so...if you've been following the presidential race...and I totally understand if you haven' know that the latest McCain campaign thing is to refer to Sen. Barack Obama as an "uppity black."

They don't say it in so many words, of course...but it's about as subtle as a Mummy movie if you can read between the lines. Most recently is Pat Buchanan, who commented that the "Obama is the anti-Christ" ad

"goes right to an enormous vulnerability that Barack has created for himself with his grandiosity." Echoing a comment he made last week, Buchanan said: "The question's now becoming, 'Who does this guy think he is?'

Good question! Who do you suppose Obama thinks he is? Even if you don't buy he believes he's really real change from business-as-usual politics (and I share your wariness)...maybe he thinks he's...his party's nominee for president.

A historic candidate even if he should lose--and there’s maybe, like, a 2% chance of that.

You think maybe there's an outside chance he thinks his unique family history (cousin to “Wild Bill” Hickok, yet) puts him in a rare position to build bridges instead of walls in this country?

You think maybe he thinks he's running against a cartoon character?

(OK, so that's just what I think and I shouldn't put thoughts in Sen. Obama's head. It's just that in recent days it's started to seem to me like in this election Obama is Bugs Bunny and McCain is Daffy Duck.)

(except that Daffy would have an easier time getting my vote.)

(But I digress)


Originally uploaded by
Just 'cos it made me smile.

Originally uploaded by
Margaret was really tired of hearing the "boys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses" thing. Which only motivated Kirsten to bring it up all the more.

Suggested by George.

Ok, the "Obama is the Anti-Christ" thing

There's a foofarah going on because the latest McCain ad would seem to imply that Barack Obama is, in fact, the dragon-worshipping Anti-Christ himself.


Mara Vanderslice (great name!) writes:
It shows the McCain campaign is willing to make a mockery of our faith to feed people's fears.

Shock. A republican campaign using religion cynically? Oh, surely not...

But I can't help feeling this is, in some small way, my fault. Back in February, I wrote:
no chance I would ever vote for [McCain]--the Democrats would have to nominate someone who, with no exaggeration, I thought was the Antichrist for that.

Well, clearly, someone in the McCain camp saw that and thought "If we've lost Varkentine, we've lost the nation."

Random Flickr-Blogging: We now turn control over to you...

RFB as run from the If I Ran the Zoo blog is taking a hiatus of indeterminate time. I'm thinking I'd like to keep it going, at least here.

So what I thought I'd do is this: In the comments here, leave me a number, word, or phrase you'd like me to search under at Flickr and I'll see what I can come up with.

This is dependent upon your participation, but it won't take much to keep me going...

Four happiness

Now this is a great trailer. One spoken word, that's all you need..."Hello."

I can't wait.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Three happiness

It's time I admitted it...this song means a surprising amount to me.

The video's not exactly classic, but, you gotta admire the way they went against the then-prevalent overbudget mini-movie music video aesthetic...

Breast bad news

Three stories that seemed to fit together...

One: Oh Jesus, of all the crappy news to sign on to...Christina Applegate is battling breast cancer.

I'm really sorry to hear about this and not just for the lame "Of all the bodies for this to happen to!" jokes I'm afraid you might expect.

I think Applegate's really, genuinely funny. So I'm glad to read this:

"Benefiting from early detection through a doctor ordered MRI, the cancer is not life threatening. Christina is following the recommended treatment of her doctors and will have a full recovery.."

So I shall hope. I know it's possible. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was like 16, and she's still alive 20 years later. I know Applegate's mother also had a couple of scares while Christina was on Married...with Children, and I assume that's what spurred her daughter to get regular tests. Good for her.

Two: Dear god...the saga of the unfortunate things that have come to Anne Hathaway because of her ex-boyfriend the unworthy swine, continues.

Now it's said that nude photos of the actress (seen above about to make my favorite color pass out, and left reminding us she should have got smarter, sooner) are among the possessions seized by the FBI in their investigations of TUS.

Now, this does come from The National Enquirer (via the Celebitchy blog), so I'm inclined to be skeptical.

But if the photos do exist and are leaked, as Cb points out, Hathaway has already done nude scenes in films.

So it's not as though this was happening when she was still Disney's little princess. (And even that might not have hurt her career...doesn't seem to have done Vanessa Hudgens any permanent damage.)

But I gotta believe that, for an actress, there's a difference between choosing to do a nude scene in a film and photos you thought were going to remain private. If I were Hathaway, I'd be:


But the question is: If such pictures do come out...will I have the internal fortitude not to look at them?

Three: French women are no longer sunbathing nude or semi-nude. Good lord, is everything sacred?