Saturday, July 30, 2005


We have more on the inexplicably frenzied reaction of conservative bloggers to the very idea, the very notion, of the upcoming television series Commander-In-Chief, starring Geena Davis as a female president. Tennessee Guerilla Women and a blog called The Carpetbagger Report found the following gems from the conservative "blogsphere".

James Dobson's Focus on the Family, in its daily alert to supporters, said yesterday that Geena Davis's character name, Mackenzie Allen, "sounds remarkably, poetically like" Hillary Clinton

Um...okay, you know, speaking as a writer who has something of an ear for the swing of No, it doesn't.

"[T]his show is a nefarious plot to advance the notion of a Hillary Clinton presidency. The thought is that if we, the submoronic television viewers, get used to seeing a woman president on TV, we'll be more inclined to vote for one in 2008. This is what the TV industry thinks. They don't view us as being rational actors, able to vote for a President based on our own reasoning, but instead as sheep to be herded and trained."

Ah, see, now I start to see what this is. I ran into this once or twice when I was writing my essays about the West Wing books. There is a school of thought that cannot conceive of a writer for whom politics is not the primary motivating factor. And so, CIC creator Rod Lurie must be thinking not, "I want to tell some stories about a female president," but rather, "I want to make people vote the way I do!"

But if the people are not as easily led as all that, what's the problem?

Speaking of The West October 2001, Playboy ran a group interview with the staff and cast of that show. When asked, "Why are Republicans less fun?" writer/creator Aaron Sorkin replied:

All I can tell you is that they are...I met with people in the Bush administration. I have never met a less funny group of people in my life. By God, they're not funny.

That's hard to believe when you read some of the suggestions the aforementioned macho boys of the Corner have come up with as alternate titles for a series about a female president.

Get ready to hold your sides.


THE OVULAR OFFICE [Jonah Goldberg]

Can't beat it with a stick, can you?

Why is it I just know these guys don't watch Two And A Half Men because they object to the implication?

1 comment:

  1. They're really working overtime for a series that more than likely won't even last thirteen weeks. . .
