Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Our old friend James Dobson, he who compares stem cell research with Nazi experiments during the holocaust, has some tips that might have reassured David Parker that his son was absolutely not going to turn out to be gay. Posted via Hullabaloo:

It features a full rundown of symptoms, like "is different" and "likes to play with girls" that are clear signs of impending homoism.

Well, I ought to be turning any day now, because virtually every one of the so-called "warning signs" applies to me. Except the bit about "A persistent preference to play female roles in make-believe play," of course.

(Uh-huh. And you write about what?)

And-I know this isn't exactly a novel observation-but once again I'm struck by just how...I don't know what the word is..."open to interpretation" the pro-life religious-right's approaches to childrearing are. You'll remember a couple of days ago when they offered

a great way to teach your kids about the "birds and the bees" without taking off your own clothes.

Now we find Mr. Dobson, cautioning that if they don't want their sons to grow up to be homos, the thing for a father to do is introduce his son to his penis immidiately.

the boy's father has to do his part. He needs to mirror and affirm his son's maleness. He can play rough-and-tumble games with his son, in ways that are decidedly different from the games he would play with a little girl. He can help his son learn to throw and catch a ball. He can teach him to pound a square wooden peg into a square hole in a pegboard. He can even take his son with him into the shower, where the boy cannot help but notice that Dad has a penis, just like his, only bigger.

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