Thursday, August 11, 2005

A confession

I don't give a ratfucking piss about the Rolling Stones. And I'm going to go that one further: Nobody gives a ratfucking piss about the Rolling Stones. Except boomers desperate to cling to the illusion that the bands they liked when they were in college, and therefore themselves, are still relevant.

And in the case of the Stones, that hasn't been true for at least 20 years--and I am being very, very generous.

That's what all this bullshit tempest in a teapot about the "jab" the Stones are taking at the Bush administration on their new album is all about. And the blogs are all atwitter and CNN is all abuzz.

It's a publicity stunt, you idiots. It's another Rolling Stones album that you won't be able to name one song off of by the time their next album comes out.


  1. Anonymous4:44 AM

    A few points:

    1: Yeah, its a publicity stunt- but one that calls bush a full of shit hypocrite. So it at least gets points for balls- and good sense.

    2: The new material I've heard rocks.

    3: Bad Stones still beats any popular music from the '80s. (snark...)

  2. As someone who believes that the last truly great Stones elpee was Let It Bleed, I still have to admit I'm heartened by the fact that "Sweet Neo Con" was even written by these geezers. If nuthin' else, it provided a decent counterpoint this week to the news about Rummyfest . . .
