Friday, August 19, 2005

Good lord. My senator has a lower approval rating than one from TN

Survey USA released approval ratings for all 100 U.S. Senators. My Senator, Patty Murray, ranks below Lamar Alexander of Tennessee. Don't ask me how it happened, she's seemed pretty solid to me. Granted, her office was less than helpful to my mother recently...

She also ranks below Dianne Feinstein of California. You know, I remember hearing an exchange about non-biodegradable tea bags when I lived in California that went something like this:

"That bag'll be here long after we're gone."

"Didn't we used to say that about Dianne Feinstein?"

And above Barbara Boxer, which is more surprising to me. Ah, but there's good news today. The absolutely least-popular senator facing re-election in 2006 is...Rick "man on dog, Democrats=Hitler" Santorum.

Gee, it was only last November he was thought a likely candidate for 2008. I wonder what changed? (If you really need that question answered, you haven't been reading this blog)

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