Thursday, September 15, 2005

Sometimes I just feel like banging my head against the desk


From where I sit, there are some real problems with the idea that Clinton should be the Democratic Party's candidate for president that have nothing to do with her combativeness or her willingness to deal respectfully with bloggers. Most notably, she's on the wrong side of the small matter of America's currently ongoing war.
Demanding "ideological purity" of your primary candidates is a bad idea, but there's a lot of distance between purity and "anything goes." Best as I can make out, the political calculation the Pottery Barn Democrats are making is that they think Bush will declare victory and go home before the 2008 election. That will defuse the war as a primary issue, while still lending them a hawkish posture that will be useful in the '08 general election. That may happen, and I certainly hope it does. My guess, however, is that it won't and this war will still be going on. If that's the case, then this blogger at least plans on getting unfashionably litmus-testy about it and my hope would be that others will join me.
(Emphasis mine)

Arrrrrrgh! A Republican president who is personally responsible for starting a war that has cost the lives of thousands based on a lie...and Democrats are hoping it'll all go away because they were too stupid to oppose it in the first place.

You know what? Fuck it. Fuck 'em. I'm joining the other side. This blog is now pro-Republican. The President's response to New Orleans was prompt and swift; his compassion for human suffering knows no bounds. John Roberts is a supremely qualified, fair and just man, and a fine choice to define the law of the land for decades. The war in Iraq is directly connected to the events of September 11, 2001.

That may all be hard to swallow, but not as hard as the democrats' bloodless gobbledygook. This may be the only party in history with the ability to to turn a gift horse into a sows ear. Fuck em. They don't deserve victory, they don't deserve our votes until they stand up and say this war is WRONG and this president is a LIAR.

Until then, GOP forever! Hail Bush!

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