Thursday, October 27, 2005

How do we break this to him?

Jessica at Feministing found an absolutely classic news item from Austin, Texas. It seems that a Pastor there, Ryan Rush, is peeved that the Klan is coming to town. Well, we can certainly understand that--nobody wants the Klan to come to town.

Even (especially) when they're there to support the same thing you support. See, the Klan is coming to support a homophobic gay marriage amendment...which Pastor Rush also supports.

Rush said that a group that would come in that is characterized as hateful and bigoted is not welcome in this city. He said he doesn't want the Klan as a partner on any cause.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: If you're against same-sex marriage, you are a hateful bigot. There is no compromise. Again, I encourage you to embrace it. Get yourself fitted for a sheet and just accept yourself now.

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