Thursday, October 27, 2005

What's next?

Oliver Willis has a short post (this is the whole thing):

It’s clear with the knifing of Miers that the far right has kicked the butt of the Bush White House. The next nominee will in all likelihood be a hard right ideologue who thinks Roe is a myth and civil rights protections a work of fiction. One analysis on tv said that it would take the senate a month to prep for the next nominee which would push the entire process past the holiday hiatus… and into the election year.

Is 2006 going to be the year where we fight over a far right power grab on the American courts? Does Bush want that? The reason the right has to nominate people like Roberts, Miers, and even Bush himself is because America simply does not embrace the right-wing crazies.

I dunno; I'm still inclined to think the next nominee will be another moderate Republican. Someone too right for me and my pagan friends but not nearly right enough for the far right. Just maybe...a qualified one this time.

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