Sunday, November 06, 2005

"The Boondocks' cartoon

I'm a longtime fan of the 'Boondocks' comic strip, but I'm afraid the new cartoon version that premiered on The Cartoon Network tonight did not entertain me. It didn't offend me, which it seems to want to do--it's edgy you know, ooh, it's edgy! It's so edgy!--it just didn't entertain me.

Although I was offended by the bumper before the first commercial suggesting that if I wasn't enjoying it, I might want to turn to Nick at Nite for an Andy Griffith rerun. Yeah. Because the only reason I might not like it is because I'm a milquetoast. Not because I grew up on Bugs Bunny and care about "good animation," "quality voice work" or "scripts."

I admit I was skeptical when I saw in the commercials that it's being drawn in a style inspired by Japanese comics and Anime. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. Japanese comics and Anime suck. They all suck. There are no exceptions and you think there are, you're wrong.

They suck both in content and in execution. In content, they are for people who value violence and technology over affection, humaneness and people. In execution, they're drawn in unappealing, barely-animated fashion. To paraphrase Chris Rock, if you like full animation, Anime ain't for you.

Nevertheless, I was determined to give the new 'Boondocks' series a try, and encouraged when it got a fistful of good reviews. Unfortunately, the reviewers were wrong. I hated the voices-I know Huey doesn't sound like that.

Worst of all, it never once made me laugh. Bad looking, bad sounding,!


  1. I disagree with the majority of your post. I don't think all anime sucks, and think Huey sounds fine for a first episope (the irony of we - the viewers - telling the creator -the guy who you know created them - what his charaters sound like isn't lost here I hope)and the fact that I disagree with you just means that I disagree not that either of us is wrong.

    I thought the show did exactly what it intended to do. It was edgy, it mades people talk about it, and I thought it was funny as a mug! Granddad and his civil rights fashback were too funny.

    Not to worry I'm not trying to change your mind - I'm just offering a different view to those who read your blog.

  2. Anonymous9:45 PM

    i agree that the first episode did not meet my expectations i think it was because that was the first epidode so it may not be as funny as one would want its important to warm up to a new series as more episodes pile in and eventually it will get funnier.
