Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Sometimes I wonder at what point Madonna was replaced by a robot


  1. I think it was after she had her kids. Something about having to be a real role model, instead of a pop culture one can mess with your mind.

    I find she wears too much make-up these days--what is she hiding?

  2. I've always assumed it was much earlier than that, frankly, maybe even as far back as right before her second album. She made herself into what she had to be, or thought she did, to succeed.

    As for what she's hiding, well, not to be catty, but if you'd seen any recent non-airbrushed pics of her, you wouldn't have to ask.

  3. Oh, so she's got that Queen Elizabeth I thing going on, huh? You know, some women just don't age well, and you have to admire her for not doing so much of the plastic panic, like Cher or some of those other older celebrities.

  4. I'd admire her more if she wasn't wearing enough makeup to hide the zits of 12 teenage girls.

    And I can't help thinking that Holly Hunter is the same age and Virgina Madsen is only five years younger, and neither of them looks quite so...

    ...I gotta come back to the word robotic...

  5. Acne-ridden 12-year olds don't wear fake eyelashes and spackle.

    Domo arigato Madonna, for helping me escape when I needed to...

  6. Late to the party, but still ... Madonna's arms and legs have scared me for years. She's toned and fit, but looks kinda strange. Maybe it's because she's pretty pale, but I should shut up about that cos I'm very pale myself.

    As to her head, I think her hair has been looking awful for a while now. Don't like the colour or the cut. She should go back to brunette.

    Also, while I like her new song "Hung up", I don't understand why she chose an 80s Farah Fawcett/Audrey Landers in "A Chorus Line" styling for a 70s song. That video is plain awful.

  7. My assumption was that she's paying the price for all the color changes she's forced her hair through over the years.

    As for the new song, is that the one where she either samples or just plain rips off Abba's "Gimmie, Gimmie, Gimmie?"

    I don't know if she's actually using the sound from their record, but it is definitely the riff...

  8. Yes, "Hung Up" is the song with the ABBA sample from "Gimme, gimme, gimme". I think she got ABBA's permission to do that. And was the first person to get such a permission, or something along those lines. I love ABBA and I don't think Madonna slaughtered the song, so it's okay for me.

    You could be right about her hair, hehe.

  9. What's weird is that I only know the Abba song via the Erasure cover...what I like to call the "for any of you who didn't *know* Andy Bell is gay as the day" moment...

  10. That IS weird. But then again, I'm not sure how well-known/famous/successful ABBA were in the USA. My dad likes them, so I basically grew up listening to them (among other music, of course). My sister and I love to sing along to their songs when we're in a car together.

  11. They were pretty much all those things here in the '70s, it's just that was a little before my time.

    Weirdly I know most of their songs through covers by '80s bands like Erasure and Information Society.

    I'm also a big fan of Chess, the musical the two guys from Abba wrote with Tim Rice.

  12. I'm not too familiar with Chess, I think I only know one song from it (can't remember the title).

    I wasn't aware there were so many ABBA-covers. I know the one by Erasure, but that's about it.

  13. I don't know if there are so many, they're just the ones I know.

    Erasure did a whole EP of them, plus the Gimmie! cover on Three Ring Circus.
