Monday, December 19, 2005

Let's get back to what I was talking about

...about kvelling when there's bad news for Bush Republicans:
A Fox News poll conducted December 13-14, 2005 shows Alito’s support dropping precipitously. Respondents were asked: “If you were voting on Samuel Alito’s nomination, would you vote to confirm him or not?” Only 57% of Republican respondents answered “yes” – a drop of 18 percentage points from a poll conducted shortly after his nomination (75% of Republican respondents answered “yes” in a November 8-9 poll).

Support for Alito among Independents dropped 11 points (from 39% to 28%); Democratic support dropped 9 points from 26% to 17%. Overall support dropped from 46% to 35%. Support for John Roberts in earlier polls was significantly higher (50% and 51%).

And that's from FOX.

Via War and Piece, where Laura adds,
And the poll was taken before the latest NSA warrantless spying on Americans revelations, which certainly make Alito's views on executive powers a subject of concern.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:53 PM

    No wonder the Left is losing.

    What a bunch of twaddle.

    You dont actually believe this bullshit you write do you?

    This must be some sort of joke.
