Sunday, April 09, 2006

Cut to Ben banging his head against the computer desk

Saturday...The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation presented...the 17th annual GLAAD Media included [Charlize Theron, for the "Vanguard Award'], Felicity Huffman's transsexual road trip "Transamerica" for outstanding film in limited release; cable TV's chic lesbian ensemble "The L Word" for outstanding drama series, and NBC's "Will & Grace" for outstanding comedy series.

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother trying to write a love story about two people who happen to be lesbian, but more importantly, are loving, well-spoken people. I mean apparently, you can write about loveless people, give them laughably bad dialogue, and as long as you make them gay you'll win awards and get renewed.

1 comment:

  1. You're writing about it because it's meaningful; you're writing about Annabel and Keitha because your brain cannot ignore such vivid characters. You're writing because you can lend a sensitivity to their story that no one else can. This show has garnered awards precisely because few other shows have put lesbians front and centre and made lesbianism THE major topic of a series. For you and MGB, this is simply bad timing, but talent will out. Don't bang your head on the desk, Ben.
