Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I know I can't be the only one thinking...

Wait-Charlie Sheen has a children's clothing line?
Charlie Sheen is convinced his estranged wife timed her latest legal attack on his character in a bitter attempt to sabotage his new children's clothing line, Sheen Kidz.

The actor has gone public with his angry feelings about Denise Richards' latest bid for a restraining order, which she won on Friday (21APR06) - and he's certain the former Bond girl had an agenda in mind.

He fumes, "It happened on a Friday and the kids clothing thing is launching on Saturday. Coincidence? We think not.

"I'm launching Sheen Kidz and my kids aren't here."

Via OhNoTheyDidn't.

What fool thought that was a good idea? I mean, not even getting in the middle of the couples legal machinations, Sheen's image was not that good to begin with. I hate to say it because I think the world of his father as an actor (and, insofar as I can tell, as a man), but...

You think Charlie Sheen, you think illegal drugs, ilicit sex that reportedly included paying hookers to dress up like cheerleaders, and porn star ex-girlfriends (including Ginger Lynn, who the sorry freak let get away).

Yes, that just screams out "should have clothes for sale at Toys R Us", doesn't it?

1 comment:

  1. You know, I just don't understand what exactly her problem is. She knew what a sleazeball he was when she married him, but did it anyway.

    As for hating to say stuff like that because of his dad, well, the fact is, he's not his dad. He's been a spoiled little movie star since he was a teenager, he got things way too easy. And that just spells disaster.

    Please tell me this kids' clothing line is a joke.
