Thursday, May 04, 2006

Pam's House Blend has a few words for Mary Cheney

...who, with a book to sell, is suddenly mouthing words of discomfort about having helped elect her father and his monkey. Somewhere, I hope someone is keeping a record of all the Republicans in the "too little, too late" club for those GOP members who only convieniently realized after the 2004 elections things like that the Republican party is-absolutely-the party of bigots.

Ms. Cheney simpers and whines about how it was a very tough decision to work for the party that, if her father were not wealthy and powerful, would treat her with approximately the same care with which he treats his hunting buddies.

In response to an article that said: rights activists say that Cheney's silence is just a form of hypocrisy...Her reply to their criticism is simple. "We each have to choose our own path," she said. "I respect their opinion. But it is not the path that I would choose for myself."

PHB said:

Which path is that, Mary?

* One that questions "professionally closeted" gays who work for a party that officially considers you a second-class citizen? Jeezus, you're in company with plenty of out gays who work for, support and vote for candidates in a party who are ready to legislate your relationship into legal limbo, the level of delusion is stomach-churning. Happy with that path?

* You couldn't find a way to choose a path that fights for the rights of everyday LGBT citizens, putting your personal mettle to the test to live openly, speak publicly, question those in authority, and distance yourself from a campaign that was demonizing you (instead of further lining your wallet)?

The paycheck versus your principles...everyone knew where you stood then (and were flabbergasted). Now, with this interview, you confirm what a sick and sorry state of mind you're in. I am trying to find a place in my mind where I can pity you, but I simply can't.

There's more. Read it all.

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