Wednesday, January 10, 2007

You what love?

A new poll says Kylie Minogue is the greatest gay icon of all time.
The Aussie songstress bounced back last year after receiving the all clear from her cancer battle and is firmly back in the hearts of her gay fans.

Runner-up in the poll was another diminutive dame - Country and Western legend Dolly Parton.

Busty Dolly won the admiration of an army of gay fans with camp anthems like ‘9 to 5’ and ‘Jolene’.

Over 5,000 gay men and women took part in the poll by global market research specialists which revealed Sweden’s biggest export - ABBA - came in third place.

The top 50 list is availible by following that link. Me, I'm no longer surprised by just how many gay icons are in my record collection, etc. I not only own a Liza Minnelli album, I own the Liza Minnelli album written and produced by Pet Shop Boys, for fuck's sake.

I was, however, slightly taken aback to see The Human League at #46. I never knew they were considered gay icons. Synth-pop icons, to be sure. Maybe all synth-pop icons are by extension also gay icons, and I'm just in a surprising amount of denial.

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