Friday, March 16, 2007

Radio night

Another one of the things you probably get if you've been reading this blog for any period of time is that I'm on an emotional yo-yo pretty much seven days a week. Today has been a "down" day, mostly because I woke up after only six hours of sleep, but also because of a few personal things I don't wish to get into here.

However, around dusk I went out to return a DVD and do a little shopping. On the way home I had one of those great experiences when the radio plays what you need just when you need it and you pump up the volume...

BTW, I can't knock this band for carrying on after the loss of that poor dumb bastard singer of theirs...but they'll never be as big as they were in 1985-87. Not to me, and probably not to anybody else.

But I gotta thank them (and the universe) for giving me little moments like that. What else can I say?

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