Sunday, March 04, 2007

Random Flickr-blogging 5259

Terri hoped to be accepted as just another one of the boys, but something about her always stood out.

Original source

"No, no YES, no..."


The bride choosing which of her bachelors she would prefer to be stripped bare by.

(That's right, a Mel Brooks reference and a Marcel Duchamp reference in the same post. We service both the lower and the high arts here. The Bryan Ferry reference comes somewhere in the middle.)

Original source


  1. Looks like I'm first here and it's my first Random Flickr Blogging. How's that? Your choice of photo is great and that second photo below amuses me.
    Mine is up too.

  2. Hey, Ferry at least never made art out of a urinal.

    You could say the second photo is an allusion to Sergio Leone, too, if you've seen Once Upon a Time in America. And if you haven't seen it, do so at once.
