Saturday, May 05, 2007

Veronica Mars could get her to speak

One time Veronica Mars guest star Paris Hilton has been sentenced to 45 days in jail for driving while her licence was suspended following an "alcohol-related traffic violation." Whoops. Now, were this an episode of that perennial underdog series, the teengirl hard-boiled detective title character would discover something to save her sister in bondage, some twist of the plot probably involving
Hilton's spokesman, Elliot Mintz. Hilton and her attorneys characterized Mintz as a liaison between Hilton and her lawyers.

Mintz testified that to his knowledge Hilton did not drive during the 30-day period. He said he then advised her that he believed her license was no longer suspended.

The judge called Mintz's testimony worthless and expressed disbelief at Hilton's excuse.

But given there's a good chance Veronica won't be renewed in time, which of these things is more likely to happen (first)?

  1. The lesbian porn tape starring a Hilton like-a-look.
  2. The Simple Life Six: Women in Prison. Fridays on FOX!

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