Tuesday, June 05, 2007

What process would that be, Silverman?

Newly appointed NBC Universal Entertainment Co-chairman Ben Silverman has castigated L.A. Weekly columnist Nikki Finke, who broke the story on her website last week that top NBC executives were planning to replace Entertainment President Kevin Reilly with Silverman. On Monday, TV Week quoted Silverman as saying, "I hate the blog world. ... It ends up interfering with people's lives. It messes with the process."

What process would that be, Silverman? The process where you're trying to see how much more advertising feces you can smear across our screens? The process wherein, apparently, advertisers are loosening their pants before meetings with you, because they know you'll greet them on your knees?

That process?

God, spare me from multi-millionaire execs who raise their trivial annoyances to the level of something portentous. And speaking for the blogger world (I think I can), we hate you too.


  1. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Gavin bought me a copy of "The Assault on Reason."
    This is how I know he loves me lol...

  2. Well, that...and the other thing...


  3. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Well, yeah...
    Oh and the picture must be working, I lost 6 lbs last week lol
