Sunday, July 15, 2007

Don't it make you want to scream?

At If I Ran The Zoo, ahab has a post about a CNN story about those niggling little whispers about impeachment that have not gone away. And won't, no matter how much a certain monkey wants them to.

Ahab quotes a CNN pundit saying the same thing many pundits have said...
Gee, why won't the idea of impeaching Bush "just go away" already? CNN doesn't appear very interested in exploring the question. What we get instead is CNN Political Editor Mark Preston applying the doctrinaire conclusion about any and all political acivity in the USA -- It Is Bad For Democrats:

But talk is just talk, and political observers say that actually trying to impeach the president would be a bad move strategically. As Preston explains it, impeaching the president would actually hurt Democrats in their pursuit of the White House in 2008. "They would look partisan," says Preston. "They would look petty."

Now, there's one or two things I could say about that. Fortunately, ahab says them, and I happen to agree with many of the things he says, so I'll let him take it. Because when people say things like this, I feel like this:

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Karma just struck me head on. I commented above, my first comment in a while although I'm a regular reader, and then I continued reading and came upon your link to my post. Weird!
