Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Hoo boy

Mana has called me out with a meme...

(1) Explain an issue that you are most passionate about.

(2) Why should all others (ignoramuses that disagree with you) accept your position?

(3) Why do the rest of us (ignoramuses who disagree with you) just not get it?

(1) I don't know if there are any, this morning. Sorry but I'm feeling kind of apathetic.

There are things that I care about. Gay rights is one, and has been since before I created my two lesbian characters who have never really left my mind since. As I like to say, I'm not gay, but I'd like to think I could be. But passionate? I dunno. I just think it's inevitable.

It's weird maybe, but one of the things in my life I've gotten the most angry about is when I see performers exhibiting what I think of as bad showmanship, when I think they're abusing an audience they don't know what to do with.

At times in the past, I may have been passionate to defeat Bush & Cheney, but now, as recently noted, I'm just licking my wounds from the realization that everybody in the world knows what we have to do, but no one in a postion to do so is going to do it.

I'm passionate about protecting kids. And maybe about the idea that that the most anti-sexist position you can take is to be willing to criticise women when you think they're wrong...just as you would a man.

(2) Damned if I know. Where I am right now, I despair of ever convincing anyone of anything. The way I view the world is the way I view the world, and it was knocked into me a long time ago it was a view I couldn't necessarily expect anyone else to share.

(3) “Why do the rest of us (ignoramuses who disagree with you) just not get it?” Well, some of you were raised differently...better, in most cases, I'd like to think, than I was. Most people believe things for all kinds of reasons, and only a few of them are intellectual.

I also think a lot of people have trouble truly having empathy for others...but you can't go by me, I'm having one of my cynical-to-the-point-of toxicity mornings.

Thanks, this was fun.

Anybody else want to play?


  1. Anonymous12:41 PM

    aaaw, should I tag you again a different day?

  2. I'd join in but I don't feel passionate about much at the moment.
