Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I feel that God is not in heaven

Last night I dreamed I was going to a concert with an old girlfriend of mine. The last time I dreamed about this girl I took it as a sign--cos' I'm philosophical like that--and reestablished contact.

This turned out to be a mistake, one I do not intend to repeat. From my POV the pattern of our relationship, such as it has been, is that I make myself vulnerable and she fucks me over.

Problem is, no matter what she says, part of me will always think of her as the dark-eyed girl sitting next to me outside, forehead to forehead, waiting for me to kiss her for the first time, years ago.

I tried to tell her that, in the dream.

Anyway I don't know why I woke up thinking of this band. I don't associate her with them or with any of their songs.

And yet this one seems like a seriously good soundtrack for a loss of faith I do associate with her. Without much literal connection to the lyric (and I've never even seen the movie).

Why are we haunted by pretty liars?

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