Friday, February 29, 2008

And if there was any bloomin' chance of my backing Clinton, I'd say this squelches it

There's a gem to be found in this news item headlined
Gay Clinton Backers Defect to Obama, Eroding Her Base

``Obama has presented more detailed position papers on gay and lesbian issues than Clinton,'' said David Mixner, 61, a writer and activist who helped longtime friend Bill Clinton win over the gay and lesbian vote during the 1992 presidential race and who supported both of Hillary Clinton's successful Senate races in New York.

This time, Mixner is backing Obama. The Clintons have become ``a machine, and Obama's the young reformer,'' said Mixner, who joined Obama's campaign after initially supporting former North Carolina Senator John Edwards, 54, who dropped out of the Democratic race last month.

But none of that, though I agree with much of it, is what I mean. I mean this:
Clinton backers include ... Eileen Chaiken, producer and creator of the ``L Word,'' a Showtime television series about lesbians...

Emphasis mine. Anybody here need me to say any more?

As for why gays who once supported Clinton are turning to Obama, well for one thing, there's the plainly evident fact that he's got more "Elvis" in this election. There's some irony in that, given what a big fan Bill is.

But there's a certain "all the chickens come home to roost" aspect to this as well.
While many gay and lesbian voters remain loyal Clinton supporters, Mixner said, others remain angry over her previous support of the Defense of Marriage Act.

Some also still tie her to the military's ``don't ask, don't tell'' policy instituted during her husband's presidency, which reversed a campaign pledge he made to allow gays to serve openly.

That's right. Keep fucking with people because you think they'll never desert you during an election, and then watch what happens when they see a chance to win without you.

1 comment:

  1. Ten bucks says Obama doesn't change the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. I'm not advocating it either way, although I have my own opinions as a former Air Force officer, but my bet still stands.
