Monday, April 21, 2008

The great Rick "man on dog" Santorum endorses a liberal Democrat for president.

OK, no, not really. In fact he announces his support of John McCain. But in so doing, he makes as good a case or better for electing Obama or Clinton than I have seen either of them make. Especially Clinton.

Take it away, brother Santorum!

Those conservatives who still question whether they can support McCain should remember this: The next president will make more than 2,700 political appointments, those who really set policy, across the bureaucracy of our government. I, for one, will sleep better at 3 a.m. if Republicans are in the cabinet and in White House positions that make so many critical decisions.

Republicans have been in said cabinet and White House positions for the last eight years. If more of the same would help Mr. Santorum sleep better, he might want to see a doctor about Narcolepsy.

The idea of "Attorney General John Edwards" and "Energy Secretary Al Gore" should cause some sleepless nights for Republicans or conservatives...

Why, yes. Yes they should. Senator Obama, I hope you're taking notes...

Both Democrats have made their case in chief on why they should be president, and we have every reason to be concerned.

Both want to cut and run from Iraq, give the radical jihadists a victory from the jaws of defeat, and leave the Iraqi people vulnerable to chaos.

I'm sure the Iraqi people can't imagine what living in chaos must be like.

Both would put in place dangerous economic policies that would make Uncle Sam look like an Orwellian Big Brother.

Let's see here, Orwellian, we are:
The adjective Orwellian describes the situation, idea, or societal condition that George Orwell identified as being unfavourable to the welfare of a free-society. It connotes an attitude and a policy of control by propaganda, misinformation, denial of truth, and manipulation of the past...

Yes, that's got Democratic tactics written all over it, doesn't it? The Republicans are all about keeping the electorate informed and acceptance of the truth. See?

Oh, and they're about the future...which is why their nominee is older than McDonald's...

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