Monday, June 09, 2008

John McCain's gonna get creamed

I find myself in a strange position. As I've said, in previous years I've liked John McCain. In one or two "Would I like to sit down across from him and have a conversation?" ways, I still like him now.

Even though I don't want him in the Oval Office (for more than one reason)...I take no (or at least, very little) pleasure in the beating I think he's going to get. I agree with him on virtually nothing, but you certainly couldn't argue that there's no substance there whatsoever. I wouldn’t, anyway.

I guess...I'm just sorry to see what he's done with it, and sorry for the humiliation I think he's going to endure. And already has. I think every time he sucks up to someone like Hagee, something inside him dies.

That doesn't excuse the sucking, but it does make it harder for me to revel when his hypocrisy is exposed.

I'm also--and I'm not trying to be snide--really beginning to have questions about the health of his brain, whether from age or other factors (PTSD from his service? Is that possible? Seriously). What brings that up? Well...

Friday, McCain was asked about something he said in his speech Tuesday--the one that got so much negative reaction...even though he was standing in front of my favorite color.

He denied saying it.

But of course, he had said it, as can be seen on YouTube.

McCain does seem to be out of his depth when it comes to really getting that in this day and age what you say can't be unsaid just because you wish it so. As John Cole said,
[McCain] is either lying, or he does not remember what he said.

And either way, there's no upside.

It occurs to me that although it must not have seemed like it at the time, throwing the Rev. Wright in Obama's face may have helped him. He and his campaign have ample reason to always try to be smart in what they say and do.

(Of course, we should all almost always try to do that...but you know what I'm saying).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:55 PM

    I tend to agree with you on this one Ben. I too had some admiration for McCain, and it's sad he's going to take the brunt of the abuse that rightly belongs to bush and Cheney.

    then again, he's the one who has literally flipped on every principled stand he has ever taken to secure this nomination, so selling your soul to the likes of Hagee and company may be the price he's had to pay.

    I don't want him any closer to the WH then he already is as a member of the Senate.
