Thursday, August 21, 2008

I couldn't think of anything for 1998.

I tried, but I've given up. 1998 just was not a very sexy year, at least as far as film, music, etc celebrities were concerned. Sorry. Maybe 1999 was better...


  1. Maybe Franka Potenete in Run Lola Run? Ridiculous movie, but Natasha Henstridge in Species II? Even more ridiculous movie, but that's its point, the seductively sleazy Wild Things? And if you want to go high class (or is that middlebrow?), there's Gwyneth Paltrow in Shakespeare in Love and Cate Blanchett in Elizabeth.

    Not one of these pleases you enough?

  2. I never saw Run Lola Run.

    I'll admit Henstridge is droolworthy, but in Species II, so far as pleasing me, well...there is that scene with the two sisters taking turns with a guy...

    I considered "Wild Things," trouble is, I couldn't really think of anything to say about it.

    I think Denise Richards is kind of a robot, and faux-lesbian scenes don't do it for me.

    I did think of sarcastically naming whoever was Paltrow's naked double in Hush, but it seemed like too much trouble for a really weak joke.

    Blanchett has just never done it for me (I also never saw Elzabeth).
