Sunday, August 24, 2008

Start Me Up


Eva Mendes. I don't really know what more I can say once I've said she's so hot she's like laser beams shooting into your eyes, and I've already said that.

So I'm going to steal a speech from the underrated Michael Keaton movie Johnny Dangerously.

"I like you, kid. You got spirit.



You got those.

I like those on a woman."

A commercial in which Mendes appears was recently banned in the United States because apparently, at one point, you could see her nipple.

Bad, bad nipple.

She has responded by saying she prefers tasteful nudity to violence.

This just makes her hotter, if possible.

"I guess there is this little Catholic girl still inside me somewhere," says one of the world's sexist women.

"For a while there I wanted to be a nun.

"Well, that was until my sister told me that they don't get paid.

I hadn't noticed this before, but she apparently has some sort of weird speech impediment which makes her L's sound like P's...


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