Tuesday, August 12, 2008


It takes a special person to talk about a married man who had an affair and still be more in the wrong than the married man.

I'm talking about, sadly, the Edwards, about whom Rush Limbaugh had this to say:
"We know -- we've been told that Elizabeth Edwards is smarter than John Edwards. That's part of the puff pieces on them that we've seen. ...It just seems to me that Edwards might be attracted to a woman whose mouth did something other than talk."

I repeat: Wow. Leave it to Rush "the abuses at Abu Ghraib were no worse than a Madonna show, and I like to pick on little girls" Limbaugh.

Once you get past the stunningly insulting nature of this, you get to what a perfect x-ray it is for the kind of guy Limbaugh apparently is, which is the kind of guy for whom smart plus funny plus woman equals no suggestion of sexuality whatsoever.

I'm not saying I'm surprised...

Obviously, John Edwards' halo is not just tarnished--it's laying at his feet in pieces. But even if Edwards is no longer a hero, I’d like to thank Rush Limbaugh for reminding us all just who's wearing the black Spider-Man suit nowadays.

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