Monday, October 13, 2008

Letters, oh we get letters

Corey Klemow writes to query my statement that
I haven't studied all the fine points of these allegations [against ACORN], but from what I can tell, there's evidence to back them up.
He says:

Acorn actually put the registration forms they thought needed special flagging and attention aside, pointing out to the state registrar which ones might need looking into before processing. They also claim they fire any employee who they find has been submitting non-kosher forms, and that they pay by the hour, not by number of registrations collected.

If you've found anything that shows actual evidence that Acorn has deliberately engaged in electoral wrongdoing, could you please send me the link?

So I looked into it a little more closely...and what he says is true. See, this is why I should never post after only glancing at a couple of blog entries...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to you and Cory for the link.

    Monday, the owner of the comic book store I frequent asked me why I get angry about politics. I lied to him and said I just didn't like talking about it. The real reason is that he is staunchly Republican and gets all his information from the History Channel and Faux Noise. All he does is repeat the talking points they give at Faux Noise.

    I thought perhaps I'd print out that article, highlight the key points, and try to explain to him---again---that ACORN knew about the questionable applications, and had pointed them out...but the truth is that he is just so &^%%$$## stupid he couldn't read more than a paragraph before he'd start spouting Republicancer talking points. I've seen him do that over and over in other discussions.

    So that's why I don't like to talk politics with the brainwashed, ignorant, or down right stupid people.

    Thanks for letting me rant.
