Thursday, October 23, 2008

McCain: "Elitists" were the ones attacked on September 11.

I might not have believed this if I hadn't heard it with my own ears. A few hours ago, a commenter at Political Wire tipped something he (or she--I don't know) said that McCain was going to say on the Brian Williams news tonight.

Well, I try not to go around just believing what any commenter to a political blog says, so I made I point of watching Williams this evening. Sure enough. When asked to give his definition of an "elitist," John McCain said that most of them lived in Washington, DC and New York.

I swear to god, once again I'm back to thinking that regardless of your political have to wonder whether or not McCain even knows what he's saying anymore.

Don't believe he said it? I understand why you're skeptical (see above). But, see for yourself.

I suppose, if you want to be really, really, bend-over-backwards "fair & balanced," you could argue it was some half-assed attempt at a joke. But, to my ears, that doesn't make it any less unbelievable that he would say such a thing.

Remember, the McCain campaign has--very deliberately--been associating the idea of "elitists" with "un-American."

I'll let you do the math.

1 comment:

  1. John McCain has been in Washington for 20+ years; his length in POW camp was due to the fact that his father was in charge of the Naval forces in the VietNam war. Hell, they called him "The Prince." Then, when he got out of there, he marrried a woman whose father not only had money, but political connections. Who does John McCain think he is kidding? If *he* doesn't qualify for "elite," I'll eat one of my bras.

    (I watched the PBS Frontline special, "The Choice 2008" on their site the other day)
