Sunday, May 31, 2009

Yes! Die! Die die die die die!

Last week's #2 movie, TERMINATOR SALVATION, dropped like a hooker on New Year's Eve, losing 63% of its audience from last weekend, while nabbing another $16M along the way. The film has now grossed $90M in the first 10 days of its release, which isn't a great number considering that it apparently cost about $200M to make.

Sorry. It's just that it's not often you get this kind of immidiate satisfaction after a smart, exciting and stellar TV series that you loved and are really gonna miss is...terminated.

I mean, Life has said bye-bye, and as you know I'm sorry about that. But in a way, I'm sorrier still that I didn't get to see someone try to "reboot" the idea without Rand Ravich or Damien Lewis...and fucking die at the box office.


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