Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I got my free I Support Gay Marriage sticker in the mail today

..and ASAP afixed it to my car. So this seems like as good a time as ever to link to to this Atlantic piece. (Even though) it's about gays in the military, not gay marriage.

Asking (again), President Obama...what you been waitin' on?

Reading the whole thing is strongly recommended, but here's a little sample:

If you think about Harry Truman ending the ban on racial discrimination, you see what real political courage is like and why finessing something like this may be more trouble than it's worth.

Unlike Clinton and Obama, Truman was the Democratic president who understood that there was really no way to finesse an issue like this if it's what you believe. You just have to do it.


  1. I got a sneaky feeling that Barack knows EXACTLY what he is doing because he CAN'T be that much out of touch. I believe in him when he said he would do what he promised in the campaign. He is just putting all his peices on the board so that when the moment is right he can strike.
