Thursday, July 30, 2009

Even I can't help thinking that Patrick may've had just a bit too much sugar at the comic-con

At the San Diego Comic-Con, Saw VI coauthor Patrick Melton sez...
“We definitely want all the critics to see this one; we’re actually excited for them to. I would like to go on record to say that this is how confident we are in Saw VI: I am willing to stake my entire reputation on this movie.”

Bear in mind, the average critical ranking of the Saw franchise, (using Rotten Tomatoes as a yardstick, as I like to do), is about 28%. As far as critics are concerned, there seems to be little or no difference between this franchise and the Friday the 13th series (Trust me: There's more.)

We all know I love them, but it'd be purest denial to claim that they're critical favorites. So I'm left thinking: Faith in yourself is a wonderful thing, Patrick, but...

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