Sunday, September 20, 2009


Fair warning: This post contains homosexual pornography.

At least according to these boys...

At the Family Research Council’s Values Voters Summit today, FRC Senior Fellow Pat Fagan, Heritage Foundation scholar Matthew Spalding and Michael Schwartz, the chief of staff for Sen. Tom Coburn, held a discussion on “The New Masculinity.”

SCHWARTZ: But it is my observation that boys at that age [pre-teen] have less tolerance for homosexuality than just about any other class of people. They speak badly about homosexuality. And that’s because they don’t want to be that way. They don’t want to fall into it. And that’s a good instinct.

It's my observation--and also, my memory--that boys at that age don't know much about much of anything, certainly not about sexuality (their own or others).

Schwartz then recalled “a very good friend” of his “who was in the homosexual lifestyle for a long time,” saying that he “had good conversations about, about the malady that he suffered.”

I know...good already, right? Wait till you read this next part.

SCHWARTZ: ...He said, “all pornography is homosexual pornography because all pornography turns your sexual drive inwards. Now think about that."


To think that by running all those images of sexy women, I've really been supporting the gay men's cause.

I have just one question. Say, Schwartz...

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