Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Natalie Portman is annoying

And not in a good way.

Latest evidence: She's against eating animals, which is fine. But like more than a few people who are against eating animals, she doesn't quite put her ideas across as well as she might:

...consideration, as promoted by Michael Pollan in The Omnivore's Dilemma, which has more to do with being polite to your tablemates than sticking to your own ideals, would be absurd if applied to any other belief (e.g., I don't believe in rape, but if it's what it takes to please my dinner hosts, then so be it).

Talking of absurdity, Miss Portman, you do realize that if you flip that idea, it means that since I had lunch at Burger King yesterday, I might as well've stopped off on the way home to get a good rape in, doesn't it?

For that matter, Portman is one of those who signed the petition to have charges dropped against Roman Polanski. So her making reference to overlooking a reprehensible crime out of consideration for other ideals may not be the smartest thing she ever did.


  1. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Natalie Portman is far too intelligent and has far too much integrity to jump on board the lynch Polanski bus. She not only personally knows Polanski but also realizes that the victim's grand jury testimony is suspect. Interestingly enough even the press in 1977 stated that the probation report found the victim “willing”. One can be sure that if the State actually thought pundits would do anything other than parrot the victim’s testimony as the gospel truth they never would have started the extradition process.

  2. The idea of "willing" or "unwilling" simply doesn't apply when we're talking about a 13-year-old child.
