Saturday, December 05, 2009

As god is my witness, I have no idea how I feel about this either

Disney is going to "reboot" The Black Hole.

Few would confuse the original with the best of what Disney or the science fiction genre has to offer. Robots on strings, hammy actors, and a script that didn't know where it wanted to go. But it is the kind of movie which has lodged in the brains of those of us who were about eight years old when we first saw it.

Largely because of those robots (strings, schmings, they sure were cool-lookin') and hammy actors (Roddy McDowall chews the most scenery as a bitchy robot who makes C-3PO look like a Brooklyn car salesman, even though he's only a voice).

And because when you're a kid, you don't care as much about where a script is going, as long as you have a good time in the getting there. (Or not getting there...)

And personally, I'm a big fan of John Barry's music for this film--maybe the most phenomenal he wrote for any non-Bond flick.

So as I say, I have no idea how I feel about this.

I will admit upfront, however, to absolutely loving this sentence in the item to which I've linked above:

The details of the update are being kept secret, though the take does involve grounding the story in the science of a black hole, much more so than in the original.

This will not be difficult...

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