Sunday, January 17, 2010

if you wouldn't mind, tap on the comments line down there to the right and introduce yourself.


It's time for my semi-annual "tell me who you are" post, which goes a little something like this...

Yo, all you homeboys and girls out there!

I'd just like to know a little bit about who you are and where you came from. Or what you like or not about the blog.

So...Tell me anything and everything you want me to know, or you think I might like to know about you.

A few suggested questions to answer follow. Use as many or none of them as you like. This is strictly for my own curiosity-I'm not conducting a demographic survey or anything.

When and how did you find my blog?

When you're not reading this blog, what are you trying to do with your life?

And how's that going for you?

Where did you grow up, and where do you live now?



Sick of the Saw references yet? (If yes, it's only fair to warn you, the VI DVD will be out on the 26th, so it's going to stay engaged with my head for a while yet).

Team Conan or Leno?

The bright side of Canada: What is it?

Why haven't you seen The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus yet?

Have you commented on my Facebook page? Don't you think you should?

Would it surprise you to learn that I just read an "oral biography" of Jerry Garcia?

Are you a gifted, appealing young actress reading this blog in secret just to see what I've written about you? If so, it's okay--I won't tell.


  1. When and how did you find my blog?

    No idea but I have been reading for years. As you may well know, these things happen. I happen upon a blog from another blog and 74 clicks later I end up at your blog-silliness and I’ve been checking back ever since. I think it made me sterile.

    When you're not reading this blog, what are you trying to do with your life?

    Trying to find a job while I suck the sweet retirement nector from the government teet.

    And how's that going for you?

    Like a weak sister in a prison shower.

    Where did you grow up, and where do you live now?

    Split my grow-up time between Seattle and Oklahoma. Then spent 22 years wandering around the country playing Marine. Now, chillin’ in good old Soggy Seattle. Actually, Renton.


    No thanks but I appreciate the offer. I already have two teenage ones. A boy and a girl.


    Not hungry right now but again, thanks. OK, fine, I have a half Rhodesian Ridgeback, half pit bull named Buster. He's an idiot. He probably likes SAW.

    Sick of the Saw references yet? (If yes, it's only fair to warn you, the VI DVD will be out on the 26th, so it's going to stay engaged with my head for a while yet).

    Almost as sick as hearing about Haiti. I’ve never seen a SAW movie and could give a runny shit about it.

    Team Conan or Leno?

    Again, runny shit. I never liked Conan to begin with so if I have to choose, I’ll declare…I don’t give a runny OR a solid peaunut-filled shit about either.

    The bright side of Canada: What is it?

    Sarah McLachlan. Hands down (my pants).

    Why haven't you seen The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus yet?

    Because I have pubic hair.

    Have you commented on my Facebook page? Don't you think you should?

    You have a Facebook? Well let me drop everything I'm doing and go call you names over there!

    Would it surprise you to learn that I just read an "oral biography" of Jerry Garcia?

    If you ever use “oral” and “Jerry Garcia” in the same sentence ever again, I’m calling the authorities.

    Are you a gifted, appealing young actress reading this blog in secret just to see what I've written about you? If so, it's okay--I won't tell.

    Sorry, dude, Anne Hathaway spends her time at

  2. "Anne Hathaway spends her time at"


  3. I figure you know enough about me that I can get away with not answering most of those questions, so I'll just answer the most important ones:

    The bright side of Canada?

    *I* LIVE HERE. Okay, and there's full universal health care, intelligent people who can spell properly, and a sense that our Gods are intertwined (Tim Horton was a hockey player, thus fusing the two essential Canadian icons).

    Why haven't you seen The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus yet?
    Two reasons: it takes two buses, and no one has wanted to go with me. Esso's back this coming weekend, so I shall have that remedied by Sunday.

    Are you a gifted, appealing young actress reading this blog in secret just to see what I've written about you?

    If by gifted and appealing, you mean "has character and a sense of humour," and by young actress, you mean "middle-aged woman who frequently channels new emotions previously unknown to man," then YES. Thanks for saying such nice things (and thanks a lot of the crappy comments, too).


  4. You're right, she prefers to sit on my lap while I write the blogs. Pisses the hell out of the wife.

  5. "If by gifted and appealing, you mean "has character and a sense of humour," and by young actress, you mean "middle-aged woman who frequently channels new emotions previously unknown to man," then YES."

    As chance would have it, that's exactly how I mean it. Except that you're not middle-aged yet (and by extension, neither am I)
