Thursday, January 31, 2013

We've lost our lease! Everything must go!

...I'm thinking of declaring this blog "closed."  Since I've been on Facebook and now Twitter, the number of postings here has gone way down--since October I've done less than 10, and this will be my first and probably only entry for the entire month of January..

The reason for that is simply that on "social media," you (or at least I) get more response.  Even if it's only a "Like" a "retweet" or "follow," you get more interaction, even reinforcement.  And honestly, that's one of the things I'm most looking for online--not the feeling that I'm just sending things out into the ether to sink like stones.

This seems to have become merely a place to display my Wish List, link to Sinfest, and note when people mysteriously find the blog by searching my name.

So why am I telling you all this?  At the risk of feeling too abject, I'm telling you all this to ask:  Does anyone really care?  Seriously--is anybody still reading this anymore--more to the point, anyone who isn't friends with me on Facebook and/or following me on Twitter, and would not care to do either?

Because I'm small-r-romantic enough to think that the idea of online communication is communication.  And  I honestly don't know if I'm communicating with anybody anymore here.

This is a very serious request for feedback.  Please let me know if you want this blog to continue--or even if you just want to know where to find me on Facebook or Twitter (to which the answer will be, follow the links in the first paragraph of this entry).

My fate is in your hands--or at least, how I spend a few hours each evening.  Look forward to hearing from you.


  1. I keep checking in regularly, but as an actual outside-Facebook actual-friend who is also Facebook friends and Twitter Palled with you, I'm not really the audience you're looking for an answer from. I'll be reading your fine musings wheresoever they appear.

  2. Fine musings? I prefer to think of them as sculptures with words...

  3. Ahh, Ben, I have been having the same thoughts bouncing around in my head. I made a stab at ressurrecting at the beginning of the year but the fire just isn't there. As much as I would like the say that I write for me and not an audience, I have found it increasingly difficult to put the work into it knowing that it may not even get a read. I don't get feedback on anything so maybe social media is the next thing we should embrace. I just think it's a shame because I do enjoy going back and reading my past blogs. I don't know if I can ever officially close it though. It would be like putting a bullet in my dog's head.

  4. I am still here as well. Though I tend to follow you more on Facebook.

  5. I keep checking for more substantial posts that are more than 140 characters in length. Of course, if all you have to say can be said in less than 140 characters, maybe you don't need a blog.

  6. What a thoughtlessly abusive thing to say.

  7. It is a funny thing... Appreciation, that is... Or so they say, here. Quite clearly, the author of that blurb is of the NLP school of thoughts (We'll try not to hold it against him, sir.)

    The gentleman does realize, of course, that, to the people who have not yet been assimilated (i.e. people who do not own a Facebook or a Twitter account —some people simply just can't bother, sir), the gentleman and his further exploits will essentially become invisible to them.

    I wish there was something I could say to convince the gentleman to stick around, but it seems like the gentleman has already made up his mind.

    You will be missed, sir.

  8. Well jeez, now I feel bad. But I think I see a solution. Spruce up the Wulfshead, I may be visiting more often.

  9. The Wulfshead? Er...hum...This is embarrassing...How shall I put it? Ahem! I would abstain from going there at the present time, if I were you, sir. Let just say that...uh...the reports of the gentleman's blog's demise have been greatly exaggerated.
