Wednesday, July 20, 2005

To mark the passing

I've just learned that Frances Langford died a little over a week ago. Being born some 25 years after the end of WWII, but a fan of old radio, I know Langford best from her performances on Bob Hope's radio show and especially The Bickersons. This was a series of sketches she did with Don Ameche in which they played, in a way, the grandparents of Peggy and Al Bundy, only a lot wittier. She had a terrific way with a comedy line.

My favorite story about her takes place one night when she was performing for American soldiers with one of Bob Hope's USO tours during the Second World War.

So the story goes, she had just started to sing her trademark song:

"I'm in the mood...for love..."

--when a soldier in the audience stood up and yelled "You've come to the right place, honey!"

And James Doohan, "Scotty" of "Star Trek", is dead at 85. There was a time when I was a child when if you'd asked me who my favorite "Star Trek" character was, I would have said Scotty. I couldn't have told you why, I think I just decided I needed a favorite and there he was.

As I got older and moved on to the glories of the Spock/McCoy/Kirk triumverate, I still retained an affection for the man. Like most of the cast apart from the lead trio, he only rarely had a chance to show any chops, but when he did, he did well by them.

I've read his autobiography, co-written with Peter David, and some of his military service during WWII was truly impressive; he was wounded during the D-Day invasion of Normandy and lost a finger in battle.

I don't know what else to say because I'm trying to avoid the cliche or bad taste of saying either of the two obvious catch phrases. I enjoyed his work, and he seemed like a nice man. I guess that says it all.

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