Sunday, October 23, 2005

I'm sure you'll have some cosmic rationale

The NY Times has a pretty good, somewhat lengthy "memo" reminding us all that the "leak" scandal is really about how the country was misled into war. That is something that should never be forgotten in the coming weeks, months and years.

Republican Senators and Congresspeople, etc, will be trying (and have already started) to minimize the illegality of whatever charges are brought, if any. We should not forget.

The dispute over the rationale for the war has led to upheaval in the intelligence agencies, left Democrats divided about how aggressively to break with the White House over Iraq and exposed deep rifts within the administration and among Republicans.

And left liberals like myself frustrated almost to the point of tears with "my" party. Democrats are "divided" about how aggressively to break with the White House over Iraq? Come on, Democrats...say it...say it!

They lied. They are liars. And they lied about the most serious decision any politician can make: Commiting troops. Putting the lives of young men and women at risk. And you have the fucking nerve to be divided about how aggressively to break with them over that?

The answer is you break with them agressively, you break with them hard. And until you do you do not show up in my e-mail box asking for support. Seriously. I know I've said this before, but it bears repeating until they catch a fucking clue:

Democrats? Fuck you.
"The way in which the leak investigation is being pursued is becoming a symbol of who was right and who was wrong about the war," said Ivo H. Daalder, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution who worked at the National Security Council during the Clinton administration. "The possibility of Libby being indicted, and the whole Cheney angle, is all about proving in some sense that they were wrong and therefore that those who opposed the war and never thought the intelligence was right have been proven correct."

The passions surrounding the investigation and the question of why the administration got it wrong about Iraq's weapons programs, other analysts agree, reflect the troubled course of the war and the divisions over whether it was necessary or a diversion from the effort to combat Islamic extremism.

They didn't "get it wrong." That implies that they thought they were "right," but were mistaken. They were not mistaken. They lied. They are liars. You know, part of me still thinks that if John Kerry had just pointed at George W. Bush during one of the debates and said those words, he'd be president today.

The administration has acknowledged the failures of pre-war intelligence, though its supporters have pointed out that many Democrats, including former President Bill Clinton, and the intelligence services of other countries were also convinced that Saddam Hussein had caches of banned weapons. But the White House's insistence that there were many other compelling reasons for deposing Saddam Hussein have only inflamed critics of the war.

Many Democrats, including former President Bill Clinton, and the intelligence services of other countries may indeed have also been convinced that Saddam Hussein had caches of banned weapons.

But you know what?

They didn't start any wars over it.

1 comment:

Ben Varkentine said...

It leaves us the authority figures who take the kid away and explain that they won't see her until they get some therapy, and maybe spend some time in jail.

You know, if ever there were a time for a credible third party...