Thursday, December 29, 2005

A little taste of that old computer-generated...

The Washington Post has a story about how damnit, George Bush wants his big stage back. In AmericaBlog, Joe observes how you can kind of tell who's spinning the Post by who doesn't come off well in it (Karl Rove).

But Media Girl sifted through it and found some truly shocking revelations.
The lessons drawn by a variety of Bush advisers inside and outside the White House as they map a road to recovery in 2006 include these: Overarching initiatives such as restructuring Social Security are unworkable in a time of war. The public wants a balanced appraisal of what is happening on the battlefield as well as pledges of victory. And Iraq trumps all.

"I don't think they realized that Iraq is the totality of their legacy until fairly recently," said former congressman Vin Weber (R-Minn.), an outside adviser to the White House. "There is not much of a market for other issues."

The words They finally figured it out come to mind...and then are just as quickly replaced by: Oh. My. God. They finally figured it out? Bush's advisers didn't realize until just now that nobody cares very much about other issues as long as you're sending the nations young men and women to die?

Sometimes I think this is St. Elsewhere and it's going to turn out to have all been a dream of an autistic child as he stared at a snow globe of the White House...

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