Friday, June 16, 2006

This is the kind of thing that makes one proud to be an American

A couple of girls drive to DC for the Pride parade. While there, they are propositioned by a fellow who gives them his business card and eventually offers "to pay for our room and give us a thousand dollars if two of us would fuck him."

Charming, no? Being in town for the Pride parade, they respectfully decline.

Fellow turns out to be prominent RNC spokesman, defender of Ann Coulter's assult on 9/11 widows, and one who compared Patrick Fitzgerald to Joe McCarthy, Jack Burkman.

One of the girls has a MySpace account. Wonkette has the beginnings of this sorry tale. BTW, let the clicker beware: If you follow the link on that page to the DC Pride Event pictures, be advised that there's a hell of a lot of them and they may take some time to load.

But you might want to anyway, one or two of them are quite adorable.

PS-Girl adds:
he asked if i made exceptions for men at all, and i was like, "not for republicans."

PPS: Girl is from Tennessee, and I just don't know what to think about that.


Ben Varkentine said...

Well, sure, but is the music really worth all the cynical opportunists, Holy Rollers, and general idiots?

Are there reeeeeeeally enough good reasons not to simply peel up that state and flick it away like an old scab?

Especially now that Johnny Cash is dead.

Ben Varkentine said...

He very well may have been, but again, this deviates from the point.

The odd exception does not disprove my sweeping thesis. I've already allowed that some lovely things have come out of TN.

It's just that, taken as a whole...