Monday, March 24, 2008

Some things just call for a spit take.

I try to ignore homophobic coward Michael Savage, partly because he's a homophobic coward, but mostly because attention is clearly just what he wants.

However, I've been strolling through the book The Angry Right of late. The book's only average of its kind (compared to similar books by, say, Joe Conason) but it does contain a positive gem of information which I'd previously missed. Due to, as I said, the whole ignoring Savage thing.

Michael Savage is not the homophobic coward's real name. It is the pseudonym of the man born:
Michael Allan...Weiner.

That's right, friends. The man changed his name from "Weiner" to "Savage."

Now if that ain't a little x-ray picture of his psyche, I don't know what is.

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