Thursday, October 23, 2008

Betsy Russell!

Oh yeah, one more thing...believe it or not, with all the talking that I've done about the Saw movies this past year, there's one thing that I've yet to mention. And that is that one of the things that got me curious about seeing them was when I learned that Betsy Russell had a cameo in III; was one of the stars of IV (and now V).

See, some of you just went "Who?" and some of you said "Good Lord!"

For the first group: Russell is a woman who is well-known for appearing in different stages of butt ass-nakedness in many movies of the '80s and early '90s. Particularly for a scene in Private School in which her character goes for a horseback ride topless.

I'm not gonna shit ya,' I was one of the many, many 12-year-olds who just about wore out the rewind and freeze-frame functions on my family's old VCR watching that movie.

But anyway, I hadn't seen her in anything in over 15 years, and I was wondering how she was looking these days. The answer is...

There's also a new interview with her here, so you can decide for yourself if she's more than just a pretty face and body. I feel she is, she says some interesting things about her perspective on the business of Hollywood.

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