Saturday, August 15, 2009


I thought this was going to be another one of those links to articles about which I have very little to say except that I think I agree.

Turns out I did have a little something to say after all.

I love when that happens.

Keli Goff in the Huffington Post:

...I believed that Hillary Clinton's problem [in the 2008 primaries] was not sexism but Hillary-ism, as in the people who were criticizing her did not have a problem with all women, but they did have a problem with her. As proof of this I noted analysis during the primary indicating that while women as a whole were a stronghold for Clinton, younger women were not.


If someone had asked former Secretary of State Colin Powell what his lovely wife Alma thought of a particular policy issue, my guess is he would have been incredulous too. But the reality is no one would ask Secretary Powell that. I know some might argue that it is an unfair comparison, that Secretary Clinton is unique because she is married to a former president, but how many times was the most recent President Bush asked to articulate the policy positions of his father, the former president?

I found myself pretty frustrated with Hillary Clinton and her supporters last year too, as some of you may recall, but this is hard to argue with.

It's also interesting to me that in a weird way it's the exact same issues of female sexuality and power that I've been looking at in my blogs with regard to the "Megan Fox is dumb" stories...


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