Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Today, I empower you to take control over your life. Can you disconnect from the one thing that has brought you and others so much pain?

Y'know...let's say you wanted to split two sides of my soul right down the middle and represent each with pop culture manifestations.

You could do far worse than to have on the one side, representing as 'twere, my devilish nature, my love of Saw. And upon the other, speaking for the childlike, fun-loving, compassionate and dreamy side of me, my Doctor Who fandom.

This is why I'm glad that this morning, I have received talismans of a sort for both of them.

This is the new Doctor Who logo :

This is a second Saw VI trailer.

And here are some shots of the new Doctor and companion (Matt Smith and Karen Gillian) working on the next series.

Everything is connected to everything.

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