Thursday, November 10, 2005

All the kings horses and all the kings men

...won't be able to put the Republican party back together again. As you may be aware, today the Republican-controlled house dropped a provision for oil drilling in the Alaskan National Wildlife Reserve.

How are the conservatives taking it, you ask? Let's ask commentator Clayton Cramer.
Michelle Malkin has a nice collection of upset letters from readers, who wish that there were a few conservatives in the Republican Party. I fear that quite a few House Republicans believe that if they make environmentalists happy, that instead of writing $1000 checks to the Democratic Party, or voting Green or Democrat, that they will suddenly turn Republican. Yeah, and if Republicans embraced gay marriage and partial-birth abortion vast numbers of hard-left Democrats will vote Republican in the next election. (Let me sell you this bridge, too.)

"Wish that there were a few conservatives in the Republican party." Wow. Apparently, George W. Bush, leader of that party, not a conservative. Dennis Hastert, House Speaker, not a conservative. Bill Frist, Senate majority leader, not a conservative.

This is why everything's coming up roses for liberals at the moment. Because the Republican party has its back against the wall. They're like drug addicts scared to go cold turkey; the far-right is the drug and they need rehab.

They're reeling from blow after blow coming from their own people. And the rest of us just get to watch the brawl. However, sweet as that is to see, I feel the need to warn some of you. This is a note of caution.

Hey, Libertarians! Look out! The conservatives are coming! On tapscottscopydesk, we find this reaction to the House GOP dropping the provision.
This one is going to spark more conservatives to throw up their hands and say "that's it, how do I change my registration to the Libertarian or Constitution party?"

That's right, friends. The people who think the Republican party isn't conservative enough to satisfy them have decided it's time for a change. Like vampires moving on to their next victim, leaving the last a puddle on the floor.

Lock your doors and windows tight...

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