Saturday, November 12, 2005

A Karl Rove Thanksgiving

Here's part of the intro to a long, but good article from AmericaBlog:

You know, oftentimes one can be tempted to use hyperbole to challenge one's opponents. Take this sentence for example:

The corrupt cronyism of the Republican Party is utter and complete, encompassing the Executive Branch and both branches of Congress.

Now, you might read that and think, oh, that's just a bit excessive, I'm sure that there are good people in the Republican party. Even if I disagree with their methodology, they are trying their best.

This time it's different. This time it's far worse than anything we've seen in quite a while. You judge people in life on the company they keep -- who people choose to associate with tells you a lot about them. In politics, judge people on the leaders that they choose to follow -- the example set by political leadership sets a tone and an agenda.

This struck a chord with me because sometimes I feel twinges of guilt about the sweeping generalizations I sometimes make about the Republican party in this blog. A little of this comes from my old friend Moya, who is pretty, giving and until recently from the "Libertarian wing of the Republican party."

She changed her registration when she just couldn't take it anymore, but I know there are...or were...good people in the Republican party because she was one. The reason the temptation keeps cropping up to say that there aren't is because for a long time now I've been wondering:

Where are they?

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