Friday, November 11, 2005

To repeat: Their "defense" is, he's not a liar. he's just an idiot

In fact, just as big an idiot as Bill Clinton! Or John Kerry! Or Harry Reid! So there! Neah!

Boy, wouldn't it be great if we had a president who could defend himself on tbe grounds that he's less of an idiot than his political opponents?

Yeah, I know, that only happens on television.

Today a Bush aide, and then Bush himself, took their new spin out for another drive. This being that because other people may have been wrong about WMDs in Iraq, that makes everything all okay that George W. was "wrong" about WMDs in Iraq.

But as Steve Cobble says, in a longer but recommended post:

The question on the table is not whether Bill Clinton was wrong about WMDs in Iraq; nor is the question whether John Kerry or Harry Reid or other top Dems are hypocrites for supporting the war then and criticizing it now.
The question on the table is whether the Bush Administration lied, distorted, exaggerated, and hyped the supposedly "grave and gathering danger" of Iraq in the run-up to the war.
The question on the table is whether the Bush Administration first decided to go to war--without telling America--and then cherry-picked existing intelligence while Cheney muscled and pressured analysts to "find" new "intelligence" by playing up rumors and downplaying objections.
The question on the table is whether Bush & Cheney & Rice & the WHIG committed impeachable offenses, misleading and tricking their fellow citizens into a war of choice, which they falsely portrayed as a war of necessity.

Elsewhere, Daily Kos points out another hole in Bush's logic:
For the last two major election cycles, 2002 and 2004, Republicans made electoral gains on the assertion that Democrats were weak on defense and only the Big, Bad, Republican Party could save the nation from the evil terrorists and their nefarious dreams of mushroom clouds over American cities.

Now, Bush is saying that he can't be criticized by Democrats because Democrats were with him all along?????

ETA: Think Progress lays out the reasons why the claim that Congress had access to the same information Bush did and thought Iraq was a threat is false. For any of you who need those reasons laid out.

1 comment:

Praxxus said...

Why can't he be both?